Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menyeleksi Saham LQ45 untuk Generasi Milenial Menggunakan Metode SAW

Kevin Stevian Hermawan, Kristoko Dwi Hartomo


Stocks as an investment instrument are in great demand by millennials because of their lucrative returns. LQ45 is an index introduced by IDX which is selected based on liquidity and market capitalization. However, in LQ45 not all existing shares can be purchased by the millennial generation because the price is quite expensive and these stocks still need to be selected so that they get the stocks that have the best quality but at prices that are friendly to millennials. To support this, we need a system that can support proper decision making so that it can get the best alternative in making decisions. This study uses the SAW method in which this method is able to select existing alternatives based on predetermined categories. This study determines each weight value in each attribute, then ranks it so as to produce the best alternative from the available alternatives. The results showed that HMSP shares with a value of 0.870 are the best alternative as stocks for the millennial generation. This research can be a tool in making decisions before buying stocks


Decision Support System; Stocks; Millennial; LQ45; SAW

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